In recent months, Decor Colorado Home Staging was featured in the Boulder Daily Camera! Jeanne was asked by Laura Liotino, of The Inn Between, to donate her services for the Micah Homes Project. In preparation for the Grand Opening, Jeanne Sherwin and fellow stager, Candace Hutchison of Home Detailing donated their skills to transform the Micah Homes models into show homes. The community effort now serves as a model for how community partnerships can serve those in need.
In 2016, the United Church of Christ Longmont committed to transfer 1/4 acre parcel of church land to The Inn Between. Six permanent, supportive apartment units for low-income, elderly, or disabled individuals have since been constructed. Prior to the grand opening, Jeanne helped to transform the models into homes. Longmont mayor, Brian Bagley spoke at the well-attended Grand Opening event in November 2019.
According to Liotino, few agencies are currently addressing the lack of affordable housing for very low-income residents of the St. Vrain Valley who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Learn more here.

The project has been nominated for Housing Colorado’s 2020 Eagle Awards. “Just to be nominated is an incredible honor, not just for our agency, but for those who made it possible,” Tim Rakow, The Inn Between of Longmont’s executive director, wrote in a press release. “United Church of Christ who kick started this project with a land donation and Krische Construction who led project construction. We are very grateful for the outpouring of donated support to make it possible.”